This app contains over 1300 practice questions with DETAILED RATIONALES, vocabularies, study cards, terms & concepts for self learning & exam preparation on the topic of Nursing Fundamentals. With our Advanced Smart Learning Technology, you can master the learning materials quickly by studing, practicing and playing at lunch, between classes or while waiting in line.
Nursing Fundamentals Exam Prep uses proven study and test-taking strategies so that you’ll feel confident and ready to go when you have to take the Nursing Fundamentals Exam.
Main Features:
+) Learning materials are prepared by EXPERTS in this field for the most current exam.
+) Automatically FILTER your most difficult terms and questions.
+) Learn more efficiently by PLAYING games with time constraint.
+) TRACK your progress on every small set you've studied.
Nursing Fundamentals Exam app prepares for your Fundamentals of Nursing Exam. Nursing Fundamentals Exam app helps you to pass your Fundamentals of Nursing Exam and NCLEX PN, NCLEX RN and other Nursing Exams.
This excellent app might be important for the following candidates
FNP - Family Nurse Practitioner
AGACNP-BC - Adult-gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
AGPCNP-BC - Adult-gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
PPCNP-BC - Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
PMHNP-BC - Psychiatric–mental Health Nurse Practitioner
ENP-BC - Emergency Nurse Practitioner
ACNS-BC - Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist
AGCNS-BC - Adult-gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist
PMHCNS-BC - Adult Psychiatric–mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist
PMHCNS-BC - Child/adolescent Psychiatric–mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist
PCNS-BC - Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
RN-BC - Ambulatory Care Nursing, Cardiac-vascular Nursing, Faith Community Nursing, General Nursing Practice
AFN-BC - Advanced Forensic Nursing
AGN-BC - Advanced Genetics Nursing
RN-BC - Gerontological Nursing, Hemostasis Nursing, Informatics Nursing, Medical-surgical Nursing
NE-BC - Nurse Executive
NEA-BC - Nurse Executive, Advanced
RN-BC - Nursing Case Management, Nursing Professional Development, Pain Management Nursing
RN-BC - Pediatric Nursing, Psychiatric–mental Health Nursing
The following candidates can use this app as a reference tool: NCLEX RN, NCLEX PN, CNOR, CEN, EMT, NREMT, PARAMEDIC, MACE, NAPLEX, NP Exam, CNA Exam, CNRN Exam, CCRN Exam, SCRN Exam, USMLE Exam, COMLEX Exam, TEAS Exam, HESI A2 Exam, NET Exam, DET Exam, PSB/HOAE Exam, PAX-RN Exam, HOBET Exam, PTCE Exam, PTCB Exam, PAX RN Exam, PSB Exam, CDM Exam, Hospice and Palliative, Medical Surgical, ANCC & AANPCP Certifications candidates.
The publisher of this app is not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization. All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Aplikasi ini berisi lebih dari 1300 soal latihan dengan alasan-alasan Lengkap, kosa kata, kartu studi, syarat & konsep untuk belajar mandiri & persiapan ujian pada topik Fundamental Keperawatan. Dengan Advanced Cerdas Belajar Teknologi kami, Anda dapat menguasai materi pembelajaran dengan cepat oleh studing, berlatih dan bermain saat makan siang, antara kelas atau saat mengantri.
Fundamental Keperawatan Ujian Prep menggunakan studi terbukti dan strategi uji-mengambil sehingga Anda akan merasa percaya diri dan siap untuk pergi ketika Anda harus mengambil Fundamental Keperawatan Ujian.
Fitur utama:
+) Bahan Learning disusun oleh AHLI di bidang ini selama ujian terbaru.
+) Secara otomatis FILTER hal yang paling sulit dan pertanyaan.
+) Pelajari lebih efisien dengan BERMAIN game dengan kendala waktu.
+) TRACK kemajuan Anda pada setiap set kecil Anda sudah belajar.
aplikasi keperawatan Fundamental Ujian mempersiapkan untuk Fundamentals Anda dari Ujian keperawatan. Keperawatan Dasar Ujian aplikasi membantu Anda untuk lulus Fundamentals Anda dari Ujian Keperawatan dan NCLEX PN, NCLEX RN dan Ujian keperawatan lainnya.
baik aplikasi ini mungkin penting untuk calon berikut
FNP - Keluarga Perawat Praktisi
AGACNP-BC - Dewasa-gerontologi Perawatan Akut Perawat Praktisi
AGPCNP-BC - Primary Care Nurse Praktisi Adult-gerontologi
PPCNP-BC - Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Praktisi
PMHNP-BC - Psychiatric-mental yang Praktisi Perawat Kesehatan
ENP-BC - Praktisi Perawat Darurat
ACNS-BC - Dewasa Kesehatan Klinis Spesialis Perawat
AGCNS-BC - Dewasa-gerontologi Klinik Spesialis Perawat
PMHCNS-BC - Kesehatan Adult Psychiatric-mental yang Spesialis Perawat Klinis
PMHCNS-SM - Anak / Kesehatan Jiwa-jiwa remaja Spesialis Perawat Klinis
PCNS-BC - Pediatric Clinical Specialist Perawat
RN-BC - Keperawatan Perawatan Ambulatory, Cardiac-vaskular Keperawatan, Keperawatan Iman Komunitas, Keperawatan Praktik Umum
AFN-BC - Advanced Forensik Keperawatan
AGN-BC - Advanced Genetika Keperawatan
RN-BC - Keperawatan Gerontological, Hemostasis Keperawatan, Informatika Keperawatan, Medis-bedah Keperawatan
NE-BC - Executive Perawat
NEA-BC - Perawat Eksekutif, Advanced
RN-BC - Keperawatan Manajemen Kasus, Keperawatan Pengembangan Profesional, Keperawatan Sakit
RN-BC - Keperawatan Pediatric, Psychiatric-mental yang Perawatan Kesehatan
Para calon berikut dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini sebagai alat referensi: NCLEX RN, NCLEX PN, CNOR, CEN, EMT, NREMT, TENAGA, MACE, NAPLEX, NP Ujian, CNA Ujian, CNRN Ujian, Ujian CCRN, SCRN Ujian, Ujian USMLE, Ujian comlex, TEH Ujian, HESI A2 Ujian, NET Ujian, DET Ujian, PSB / HOAE Ujian, PAX-RN Ujian, Hobet Ujian, PTCE Ujian, PTCB Ujian, PAX RN Ujian, PSB Ujian, Ujian CDM, Hospice dan Palliative, Medis bedah, ANCC & calon AANPCP Sertifikasi.
Penerbit aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi dengan atau didukung oleh organisasi pengujian. Semua nama organisasi dan uji adalah merek dagang dari pemiliknya masing-masing.